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There are some hidden costs in having your website rebuilt by a website designer.
Make sure you understand the pitfalls of choosing the wrong one.
See our list of things to consider when building a new website, and our list of trusted design agencies below.
We work with dozens of website designers and interactive agencies in the Richmond area and across the country. We know what most of their capabilities are and can help you find a web design agency that’s right for your project.
Call us if you need help finding a trustworthy designer for you next website. We’re glad to help.
When researching web design, you should be aware of a few of the tasks that affect the price of the project and the time it takes to complete the project:
The biggest expenses are typically related to the content, images and branding elements like logo design. If you’re starting from scratch and need your website to be well-branded, then expect to get quotes in the $5,000 to $10,000 range from most agencies. Those projects will often take 2 to 4 months to complete. That’s if you don’t need a custom theme written.
If you do need a custom theme, then add another $5000 to $10000 to the cost and another 2 to 4 months for additional development and programming.
Side note – being without a good website for several months has a hidden cost – lost opportunity for sales and SEO rankings.
If you already have the content written for all your pages, and you have a library of images, and you have a strong logo and branding, then you can find a website designer that can transfer your content into an existing theme for around $1500 to $4000. The time to complete a project like that can take as little as 1 week, but will most likely will take about a month. We like to call this much less expensive option "re-theming" your website.
If you already have a website with great content and an overall design that you're happy with, then consider a simple “re-theme”.
Website "re-theming" is a word we coined, and it means "to keep your website's existing content and the general look and feel, but modernize or replace your website’s theme and platform for better SEO and User Experience (UX)." Since there's no content development or graphic design involved, the cost is typically much less and the time it takes to complete the project is much faster.
Why chose a website "re-theme" instead of a complete "rebuild"? A few reasons:
We get calls from people all the time saying something like “I just paid a website designer all this money for a new website and my phone stopped ringing. Why?” Well, 90% of the time, that caller did not pay to have their new website re-optimized for the search engines. Since the old website typically no longer exists, there’s nothing they can do at that point and the business suffers for months or years trying to get back onto page one of Google. That website designer probably created all new page URLs and didn’t copy over all the vital SEO elements from the old website because that takes significant time and costs more money.
If you get a quote from a website designer and it does not include language about "retaining the SEO elements already in place" and "retain the URLs or redirect the old URLs", then get a new quote. It can take months to repair lost SEO, so if you're currently getting leads from Google, make sure you retain your SEO or you risk losing months of free leads.
If you have any questions about keeping your search engine rankings after launching a new website, please call us. We would rather spend 30 minutes helping you keep your business than 6 months trying to save your business. Our phone number is 804-638-9866. We’re open Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:00 ET.
This is a short list of the website designers in Richmond and central Virginia that we recommend to small businesses looking for a new website. Most of them can work with businesses anywhere in the USA, so feel free to click on the links below and give them a call. Hopefully, you'll find a website designer that you like.
If you are a website designer and would like to be added to our list, call us and tell us a little about your business.
(Our Google Ads Management and SEO clients are always asking us to refer them to a good website design agency.)
When considering a website design project or hiring a website designer, it is very important to have a fast loading website on mobile devices. Often, a new Wordpress website will load slowly on mobile devices because the complicated content management, often un-optimized image formats and heavy lifting required by jquery.
A slow loading website hurts your business in three ways:
Before you even talk to a website design, perform one simple test. Get the URL of their website and enter it into Google's PageSpeed Insights tool
Run the report and look at the mobile results (Google ignores the Desktop results). If they can't even get their own website to load quickly, what do you think the chances are of your website loading quickly. Your website needs to be an ASSET. Not a LIABILITY. You can also ask for a few of the websites that they have built recently. Run a PageSpeed Insights report on those sites as well to make sure.
Typically, any score over 50/100 is OK for a small business, but you'll need to be in the 70's or better if you want to outrank websites like Yelp, Angie's List and other directory websites.
A few years ago, several companies made website design accessible to just about anyone. These "build your own website overnight" designs are great if you're building your FIRST WEBSITE. However, while these websites are cheap and very affordable, the true cost of these platforms is in the LOST OPPORTUNITY.
These website platforms rarely appear on page one of Google, which means fewer people will be able to find your business, so you could potentially lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue simply because you picked a cheap website platform.
These websites also tend to load slowly on mobile, so higher bounce rates and lower conversion rates.
If you Google something like "SEO and Wix websites", you'll probably find dozens of articles that say the opposite of what we're saying. That's because these platforms have "affiliate marketing" programs. They pay the person that wrote the article a commission if someone clicks on a link in their article and buys a website. So there are hundreds of people getting paid to give you bad advice and steer your website design decisions in the wrong direction for their own personal gains. Please be careful.
As we mentioned, these platforms are great for allowing you to build your first website. It's a great way to start developing your own content, gather images and learn about the website design process. If you don't have a website yet, these platforms are great for helping you get organized and can save you a bunch of time and effort when you go to hire a website design agency to build your second website.
We just wouldn't recommend you use one of these website platforms for very long.
(BTW - All new Google Ads accounts get $500 in free clicks. Ask us about it.)
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