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Google Ads Management and SEO for Small Business.

Affordable, Effective Google Ads Management and SEO for Growing Small Businesses in the USA

Thank You!

You're officially signed up for our award winning service! An Onboarding Manager is reviewing your form and preparing for your scheduled Onboarding Virtual Meeting.

IMPORTANT! Read more below to see whats in store for you!

So You've Signup, What Now?

  1. If you haven't scheduled your Virtual Onboarding Meeting, please use THIS LINK to schedule that call. We will not begin any work until you've completed your virtual meeting.
  2. During your Virtual Onboarding Meeting please be prepared with your credit card information, to login to your Google Ads account, and to discuss geographic targeting, types of campaigns you would like to run, and any questions you may have.
  3. During your Virtual Onboarding Meeting, your Onboarding Manager will schedule an Initial Strategy Call with one of our Account Managers and one of our Conversion Specialists.
  4. During your initial strategy call an Account Manager will review the following with you,
  5. Review the ads the team built for you, edit if necessary and get your ads live, landing page review, overview of what’s included with your service, and discuss your campaign goals.

Once you're through the onboarding process your account will be regularly optimized by our Optimization Team, your monthly reports will be automatically sent to your email on the second of each month, and monthly invoicing will begin.

Should you need any support please visit our website and click the green "support team" button on our website or your dedicated Account Manager.

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