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We know finding help for your free Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) can be difficult, so here's what you need to do if you need assistance:
If you're not verified, then complete the verification process.
If you would like to call Google Business Profiles for support, you probably can't. Google deactivated its toll-free number in 2019. Here is the number that used to be active for support (you can try calling if you want, maybe you'll get lucky, and they reactivated it):
The link below is currently the only known way to contact a human being at Google Business Profiles. Often, this is the best way to get a support ticket number. You may need that ticket number for anyone at the support forums to escalate your case to an actual Google employee, so start here to get a case number/ticket number:
Once you have a support ticket number, then you can go to the Google Business Profile Help Community (i.e. Google's support forum) for help, located here:
TIP: The Product Experts are NOT Google employees but volunteers, so treat them with respect, or they'll ignore you. It also helps to respond immediately to any questions they ask.
Some of the Product Experts in the GBP Community have direct connections with folks on the Google Business Profile team and can escalate your case for you - but only if you answer all their questions thoroughly. See other people's posts for examples of how to effectively resolve your issue and ask for your case to be escalated by a Product Expert. Different Product Experts have different methods of assisting you.
For Specific Issues
- For help with Verification issues, start by reading these recent posts in the GBP community for advice:
- If you've been suspended due to "quality issues" or other policy violations, please see these threads and read about how you can get help from the GBP community:
- If you are missing customer reviews, here are some others that have had the same issues. Learn how they resolved them:
- If you have a review that needs to be removed, you can request that removal here:
We hope this information will be helpful to you and your business!
Please understand that Third Marble can only help our current SEO clients that have provided us access to their Google Business Profile. If you would like to schedule a 25 Minute GBP Help session with us for $100, you can do so below. We will try to help as much as possible, but you will often have to contact the Help Community mentioned above.
Note: If you schedule this call with Third Marble, you do so with the understanding that we cannot guarantee that we will be able to help you, and the fee is non-refundable.
(BTW - All new Google Ads accounts get $500 in free clicks. Ask us about it.)
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Third Marble Marketing
7501 Boulder View Dr #201
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Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET
Tuesday, December 24th
Wednesday, December 25th
Third Marble Marketing
PO Box 2155
Midlothian, VA 23113
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