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Google Ads Management and SEO for Small Business.

Affordable, Effective Google Ads Management and SEO for Growing Small Businesses in the USA

Third Marble’s Google Ads Setup Process

The Check List

We've spent over ten years perfecting our process for setting up a Google Ads account and our (clients') campaigns efficiently. Once you sign up for our Google Ads management service, we hit the ground running. You'll receive updates along the way. Our teams spend most of their time getting your campaigns ready to drive relevant traffic to your website and tracking your leads.

Our pricing is designed to cover all of the below tasks. If you're wondering what we are doing for your account, check out our process below. We are busy at work for you, and it may take us a business day to get back to you.

We're happy to answer any questions you may have, but please keep in mind if you keep your Account Manager occupied, it may take them away from working on your campaigns, slow down our process and take longer to get you results.


Set Up Your Account Systems


  • Review all your signup information
  • Account set up in our systems
  • Invoicing
  • Monthly reporting
  • Create a client strategy sheet for our teams
  • Assess initial overall goal, target CPA, Primary Call To Action and specific services/products we are promoting
  • Send an invitation to give us access to your existing Google Ads account or Create a Google Ads account for you 
  • If you want us to use your Google Ads account, be sure to accept the invite from Google - we can’t start building your campaign until you do
  • Review your website and provide suggestions to help improve future lead generation
  • Optimize your Google Ads account settings
  • Language
  • Geography
  • Frequency Capping
  • Auto-Tagging
  • Networks
  • Goal settings
  • Ad Rotation
  • Ad Suggestion Settings
  • Exclusions
  • Tracking Templates 
  • Start building campaigns
  • "Calls From The Ads" tracking set up in Google Ads (if applicable)


  • Establish your account in our systems
  • Ensure we have all the required information
  • Gain access to your Google Ads or create an account for you 
  • Establish an initial Google Ads strategy for your business’s campaign
  • Begin building campaign


  • Once we have all the information required, completed in 1-2 business days

Phase 1

Create Initial Ads & Keyword Lists


  • Assign Phase 1 to a member of our optimization team
  • Optimization team will set up campaigns, including:
  • Keyword Research
  • Initial Keywords
  • Negative Keywords
  • Initials Ads
  • Setup "Call Outs" and "Extensions"
  • Initial Bid Strategies
  • Account Manager Reviews completed Phase 1 setup
  • Enable your campaigns - your ads are now live!
  • Add campaigns to our daily reporting system
  • Email update:
  • Your campaign is enabled
  • Ad copy for review
  • Schedule a follow-up call to review your campaigns and your service with Third Marble
  • Email to introduce our conversion tracking specialist
  • You will need to provide our conversion tracking specialist with credentials to access the back end of your website so that we can set up conversion tracking


  • Complete and review initial campaign setup
  • Enable your campaigns, so they can start collecting data as soon as possible
  • Start the process for setting up conversion tracking 
  • Obtain client approval on initial ads


  • Phase I completed in 2-3 business days

At this point your ads are live and we need to let the campaign run for several days to collect enough data for our Optimization team to review. One of our goals is to figure out metrics like "cost per click," "click-through rates," important keywords, and more; before we continue. This helps set the direction of the rest of the campaign build-out.

Whenever possible, it’s beneficial to set up conversion tracking. Conversions are a fancy word for leads. Besides knowing exactly how many people searched for your keywords, knowing how many leads your campaign is generating helps us optimize your campaigns for leads, not clicks. The more data we have, the better job we can do.

Phase 2

Expand & Prepare Campaign For Google's Smart Models


  • Assign Phase 2 to a member of our optimization team
  • Optimization team expands your campaign based on the data collected so far; this includes:
  • Additional Keywords 
  • Additional Negative Keywords
  • Additional Ads for A/B Testing
  • Adjust Bid Strategies
  • Adjust Other Settings As Needed
  • Account Manager Reviews Phase 2 setup
  • Email update regarding the progression of your campaign
  • Alert the optimization team your campaign is ready to be rotated into their ongoing optimization schedule


  • Set up or gain access to your Google Analytics and Tag Manager accounts 
  • Install Google Analytics and Tag Manager Scripts To The Site
  • "Calls From The Website" and "Form-fill" Conversion Tracking
  • This process is often slightly different for every client based on how their website is set up. Our conversion specialist will navigate how to best track your conversions and test they are recording properly


  • Google Smart Models need a clean data set to begin learning; this phase is designed to create a clean data set for future success


  • Phase 2 completed in 1-2 weeks from when Phase 1 is completed

Once our teams have completed all the setup tasks, phase 1 and phase 2, your campaigns will be optimized once a week. It’s essential to let the campaign run and begin collecting data. Our optimization team works its magic by analyzing data in several different parts of your campaign and using that information to make educated decisions to improve your results. There typically isn’t much to report to you in the beginning. It takes time to build up data trends for us to optimize and see improvement. Don’t worry; your ads will start driving traffic to your website, and we will be doing what we can every week.

As we move into Phase 3 and beyond, we begin to utilize some of Google's Smart Models. Google Smart Models are Artificial Intelligence algorithms that look at thousands of points of data, including data from other campaigns similar to yours. Third Marble's goal is to prepare and adjust your campaign in a way that minimizes the model's learning curve.

Phase 3

Unleash the Smart Models!


  • Assign Phase 3 to Optimization Team
  • Optimization Team
  • “Deep Dive” optimization of your campaigns
  • Smart Model Ads
  • Configure Smart Bidding Algorithms
  • Review of your campaign data internally with the team (as needed)
  • Email an Update within 2-3 Weeks 


  • Test conversion tracking
  • Update monthly reporting to include conversions 


  • Enable Smart Models so your results will continue to improve over the next several months


  • Depending on your budgets, 2 weeks - 2 months from completion of Phase 2

Ongoing Optimization

Collect Data, Analyze, Optimize, Repeat!


  • Review Daily Exception Reporting for fluctuations in data, to ensure campaign consistency and growth
  • Based on the performance of the campaign, periodically perform a "deep dive optimization"; this includes:
  •  Adjusting Keyword Bids 
  • Adjusting Bid Management Strategies 
  • Adjusting Keyword Matching 
  • Managing Negative Keywords 
  • Reviewing Search Terms for New Keywords and Negatives 
  • Mobile/Desktop Ratio Optimization and Bid Adjustments 
  • Geo-Targeting Adjustments 
  • Ad Extension Adjustments 
  • Ad Copy Optimization and A/B Testing Ads for Higher Response Rates
  • We adjust the frequency of your optimizations based on how well your campaigns are meeting your objectives
  • Provide automatic monthly reporting on the 2nd of every month reflecting the prior month's campaign data
  • If you would like to review your report with your Account Manager, feel free to use the link in the report to schedule a review call


  • Continuous Improvement


  • Depending on your budget and other factors, we typically see successful results in 2-6 months

Once your campaign reaches the "ongoing optimization" stage, our job is to keep working on it until we reach your desired results, which can take 2-6 months. When your campaign brings in quality leads and a positive return on investment, we can discuss expanding your campaign if you want. 

Here at Third Marble, we rely on our proven processes that have helped hundreds of businesses grow. Our objective is to provide an affordable and efficient Google Ads management service. This proven process functions best if you have a clear objective before you begin.

Please understand that deviations from this process can create inefficiencies that may hinder your campaign's success. Our Account Managers are consistently communicating with the optimization team to continue improving your campaign's success. We're happy to answer any questions you may have, but please keep in mind if you keep your Account Manager occupied, it may take them away from working on your campaigns, slow down our process and take longer to get you results.

We rely on you to let us know the quality of leads that result from your campaigns. Please be sure to email your Account Manager any details regarding lead quality. Your campaign updates will come in the form of your monthly reporting directly to the email we have on file for your account.

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